
The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) security policy is a framework set forth via presidential directives, federal laws, FBI directions, and the criminal justice community’s APB decisions, along with the recognized standards from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The policy provides guidance at both a strategic and tactical level, reflecting the security requirements for evolving business models. Furthermore, the framework provides modular sections enabling more frequent updates to address emerging threats and new security measures. Provided security criteria enables agencies that are designing and implementing systems to meet a uniform level of risk and security protection, while allowing them the flexibility to institute more stringent security requirements and controls based on their business model and local needs.

Zoom’s CJIS Assessment

CJIS Attestation was issued January 2022 and applies to the Zoom for Government platform, which includes Zoom Webinars, Zoom Phone, Zoom Meetings, Zoom Team Chat, Zoom Whiteboard, Zoom Rooms, Zoom Conference Room Connector, Zoom Apps, Zoom APIs & SDKs, Zoom Marketplace.

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